We are not a service company, but a working group of professionals operating in "communication" as a whole.
We are convinced that in today's market there are many companies that can provide good products, but not always they are functional to the purpose, because communicating through images is a job that needs very specific rules, but that they are a little too often neglected in favour of mere aesthetics.
We have many years of experience in the field of communication and we can count on a structured, solid staff, made up of young professionals, complemented and supported by the experience of the "veterans."
This integrated profile allows us to approach to new languages and experience new realities, allowing us to explore new territories and approach more "cross scenarios".
Our works are born with the commitment and synergy of professionals who are able to interface at 360° with clients and agencies in order to share projects and concepts.
We, for our nature, always moving from a technological point of view and the project side and every year we invest in human resources and training, and of course to due technical upgrades.
Today, and increasingly, the real difference between the several companies is precisely quality and service: our producers, editors, operators and the whole structure, are the real added value of Giorgio Risi.
In conclusion I believe that the sensitivity and, allow me, the expertise, make the real difference between getting a good quality product functional to a simple product of "cosmetic" and, fortunately for us, companies that rely on our work, know very well this difference. "
The Giorgio Risi company is composed of:
- Designing and producer area
1 executive producer, 2 producers, 1 producer dedicated to Audio
- Production area
1 photographer, 1 producer, the internal sound stage, medium/small size, equipment for video and photo coverage
- Post production area
1 technical manager, editor 4 and 4 editing suites, 1 audio suite and 1 audio engineer.
The spacious areas of our facility give the right space to all activities!
For the last 2 years all our work has been carried out on Final Cut X that provides a fast and efficient workflow.
The next goal is to leverage the powerful cataloging tools of Final Cut X for management of the large digital archives we keep for our customers.
Luglio 2016 © Unapost-PressPool.it
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95 10153 Torino -
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Sede operativa: Via P.Lomazzo, 31 20154 Milano - Tel. +39.02. 89070876 r.a.