Martedì, 10 Marzo 2015 17:41

Giorgio Risi: "Beyond the obstacle"

Born historically as a post production facility, Giorgio Risi srl has suffered numerous course corrections, which now allow to address the market as a production facility too.

Giorgio Risi is the president and the CEO of the company, associated to the National Union of Post Production Companies -Unapost.
In particular, in recent years the scenario has changed considerably and Giorgio Risi has adjusted its staff according to the demands of an increasingly demanding market and rearranging on-line and off-line audio / video suites and with a new internal soundstage with photo studio attached.
On the one hand, earlier on the trend was to offer "separate" services, but today we try and offer more comprehensive and integrated services both for agencies and companies.
Today, in fact, they are working entirely on projects: from pre to post, often passing through production.

In practice the attitude of Giorgio Risi has changed along with the boundaries to adapt to a new and more "difficult" market, rich in more opportunities.
Large companies are more "reluctant" to changes, while the smaller ones are more responsive and more dynamic, and more sensitive and receptive.
Giorgio Risi says: "So today we have become consultants for many companies, sharing ideas and projects, also thanks to the acquisition of new technologies and personnel with a unique know-how.
In particular, the last two years internal our reorganization has allowed us to redesign the entire structure: from off-line to on-line, from audio to the photo shop. In general, the world of post-production has had to adapt to a new market and, as we all know, changes are always "difficult" and involve a considerable effort, not only from an economic point of view.
I do not think it is to invent anything new, but simply to try to look slightly beyond the obstacle. I think a lot of myopia feedbacks from companies; the crisis led to a very narrow field of view, creating great confusion and often great "madness". The logic of ''special offers" has never been winning and history has taught us so very well: the equation "lower cost equals greater savings" is not declinable certainly in all realities, primarily in that of communication.
I personally believe that experimentation at all levels is missing, everybody is homologous to a condition of "security" beyond which it is difficult to go. The cost of technology has become the last of the problems to be addressed within a company; you are more and more confronted with the professionalism that revolves within this world; it is true many young people are "improvised", but it is also equally true that there is a number of "dinosaurs" (more or less of my generation) pontificating from a vaunted experience. Today, unfortunately, these "dinosaurs" are useful only for institutional presence within nostalgic reunions. For this reason we like to get involved by exploring new research areas, combining the history and experience of us "elders" to creativity and lightness (not to be confused with superficiality) of the new generations, certainly more prepared to new languages, suitable to a revolving scenario. Faced with this thought, in the last period we started two new businesses that match all of the common denominator of Giorgio Risi Ltd., which is a web radio ( and a casting agency (Castin) "which has as its "uniqueness "to cast" also the individual parts of the body."


March 2015 ©


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