Vipiemme has a vocation in advertising but also in documentary.
Michele Pinna describes this work: "It is a "documentary about the documentaries" "made in the US on sex education through the years.
With an original style it traces this kind of popular communication at the turn of the 50s and up to 80 and ends up with a cross-section of American society during those so far decades.
It ha a fairly uniique historical approach.
It describes the views they had on this subject and shows how the Americans also want to be very practical about these "taboo" issues for us Europeans, especially at that time ...
In practice it collects a productions of scholastic, educational and other issues instead dedicated to the army and deals with sometimes very funny issues when carried into a contemporary vision.
There was no "clean" version of this documentary so it was essential to rebuild all the graphics and animations all trying to respect their uniqueness and style, the aesthetic and meaningful choices. Evaluating a range of creative choices quite different from those we are used to, here.
From the original in English, we reconstructed a clean version and from this we regenerated from scratch all animated graphics and lettering and captions. It has made use of many crossed techniques with still or animated portions, trying to reconstruct the original, but without going to use substantial changes to what the original philosophy of the project was. It was also interesting the restoration of some portions, starting from the original digital master although surely much of the material was in the beginning shot on film.
The material arrived us via Aspera and we started from the upload of all the videos on a server within Avid Unity for file sharing. The finishing work was realized with Autodesk Smoke.
The translations of texts were made and then rebuilt back a version of the video portions on which all contributions in Italian were to be repositioned.
Then we made the audio columns. and we performed here the re-synchronization of the soundtrack.
All music has been respected for copyright issues.
The final delivery was made through the Aspera server and the finished documentary was sent in format XMF at 50Mb".
via Plinio 38
rappresentante: MICHELE PINNA
telefono: 335/205485
Gennaio 2016 ©