Martedì, 14 Giugno 2016 10:15

Free U filling the gap

Unapost, the Italian National Union of Post Production companies, interviews Leonardo Moschetta of Free U

Unapost: "How has the post production facility in Bologna Free U changed in the last two years?"
Leonardo Moschetta, Free U: "The workflow in Free U has not changed in the essence, and we're not even using the cloud in a substantial way in spite of the Adobe suite that we use is more than ready to take advantage of cloud post.
One of our main points of evolution has recently been the color correction in which we are now quite specialized.


Unapost: "What are your typical customers"
Leonardo Moschetta: "Mainly advertising which remains the core of our business; however, we have been expanding our activities for the last two years dedicating ourselves to documentaries and films.
Our headquarters in Bologna, an area that is not particularly known either for advertising, nor for cinema, we have specialized our services in these two directions. So we now are quite appreciated in a rather unguarded area.
In terms of advertising we mainly work with television commercial production companies of Milan area and companies that based in these territories (Bologna, Modena, etc), who prefer to follow their post production processes in a more direct way and therefore coming here more easily than if they had to go to Milan."

Unapost: "What are the main features for which Free U is chosen?"
Leonardo Moschetta: "I guess first for our availability, in fact, services seem to level off from company to company and equipments are virtually identical, so what makes the difference is no doubt our relationship with production companies, lasting for years and our availability both in terms of time and resources on which never skimp.
For a production company to know that they can count on us to follow the project even beyond the time initially determined so they can be reassured even in emergencies. This it invaluable.
Another point in favor of Free U is that although we are only operating on post production, over the past two years we have developed the idea of​providing a post expert of ours directly on shooting set. In fact more and more often we send on the shooting set our DIT, Digital Image Technician, an advisor expert who facilitates and simplifies the shooting steps in order to smooth the sequent processes of editing and finalization.
After the initial attitude of suspicion by the production companies, they have finally realized the validity of this procedure and the importance of starting to treat the workflow from the beginning so as to make a smooth post. This is also due to the fact that schedules and budgets are always tight for the last phase before the airing. This professional sets the LUTs, performs some transcoding, prepares proxies and performs a whole series of small but important steps in preparation for post. This results in a saving of time and costs."

Unapost: "What are Free U distinctive features, your house specialty any other news?"
Leonardo Moschetta: "Editing and color correction are our specialties, while for compositing and motion graphics are less specialized, while addressing internally the whole production chain.
Two online and finishing suites are complemented by two offline working on Adobe and Da Vinci Resolve.
3D is not handled internally and often leans to other facilities associated with Unapost for such purposes. The delivery takes place largely through Adstream.
Another recent addition to the structure was the installation of a projection room with a HD and 2K projector where to display the final results in the presence of customers and where, in addition to traditional TV advertising, we project our works in which we are specializing more and more, that is, color correction of documentaries, video clips such as those made by Venditti last year, or feature films such as the recent "Distant Angels - the air of Gjakova" Gjergj Xhuvani."



Strada Maggiore, 51 – Palazzo Angelelli


rappresentante: Leonardo Alberto Moschetta, Alessandro Paci

telefono:+39 0515882395

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